What others have said about the course……
The Rt Revd Christopher Lowson, Bishop of Lincoln
“I’m really grateful to Lincolnshire Chaplaincy Services for taking the responsibility on for us of producing our Diocesan Lent Course for 2014. Lent is a special time of year when we invite people to focus thoughtfully on their spiritual lives and the material that Lincolnshire Chaplaincy Services have produced will really provide some thoughtful and engaging ways for all of us to reflect on our spiritual lives in the context of life in Lincolnshire.
‘Faith at work’ is a clever title because it actually works at two levels. It works at expressing our Christian faith in work context, but actually also more subtly, and this applies to all of us whether we are at work, or when we’re at leisure, or whatever, the implications for working out our faith in our context, be it family, community, whatever.”
Rev Bruce Thompson, Chair of Lincolnshire Methodist District
“I’m really excited by the ‘Faith at Work’ Lent Course that is being organised by Lincolnshire Chaplaincy Services. Excited because everybody right across Lincolnshire who is involved in the church and in the life of the church communities will have an opportunity to consider what it is that they’re doing as disciples in their particular area. “
Pastor Stuart Bell, Senior Leader at New Life Lincoln
“I think ‘Faith at Work’ is a great title. Our Christian faith isn’t just to be confined to Sundays, but very much it’s about the whole week. I suppose historically our boundaries tended to be, we thought in boxes, the secular and the sacred, but I think increasingly we are saying ‘well, everything belongs to God, therefore the work place is just as important as our devotion and commitment to Sunday worship.”
Revd Steve Faber, Deputy President for the East Midlands Synod of the United Reformed Church
“The whole idea of ‘Faith at Work’ is a really important area for churches and Christians to be interested in and involved in. There’s very little point in people coming to church on Sunday if they can’t then take their faith out into the rest of the world for the other six days a week. So whether it’s in the work place, whether it’s in the home, or whatever the person’s context is, their faith needs to be alive and active for the whole seven days a week.” Für alle Glücksspiel Fans organisiert CasinoHEX einen Seminar | Tickets | Berlin | Andere | Billetto — Germany – Casino Spiele