Believe in yourself
Lent – Week 2 – Challenge
Whatever we’re called to, or asked to do, we may not always feel capable. We may even feel totally out of our depth. Yet, if God has called us, he will not forsake us. God will equip us for what he calls us to do – including all the challenges that it contains. We have to take hold of what God gives us, and believe in ourselves as well as believing in the God who calls and sends us.
Also, in the picture above, for me the kitten appearing as a lion has links to Aslan in ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe‘ – another reminder, not just that God will be with us but also that we are all made in the image of Christ to do his work wherever and whatever that might be. Our challenge is to follow the call and, by doing so, show Christ’s image to others.