Smooth roads never make good drivers
Lent – Week 2 – Challenge
When a famous politician died a few years ago, those who commented on his life all seemed to agree that, although they didn’t always agree with what he was saying, they always knew that he was speaking out of his deeply held beliefs and convictions. These were beliefs and convictions that had developed as a result of him reflecting on his experiences of life, both positive and challenging. People looked to him for a clear and thought-out response to issues. A phrase often used of him was that he had integrity in his beliefs.
What an epitaph for us all – to have it said of us “they had integrity in their beliefs”.
Whatever the challenges given by life, our personal challenge is to remain true to our beliefs whilst letting both those beliefs together with the challenges shape us….

Smooth roads never make good drivers
Smooth seas never make good sailors
Clear skies never make good pilots
A problem and hassle free life never makes a strong person
Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life
Don’t ask life, ”Why me?” Instead say “Try me!”
(Unknown author – thought to have developed from an African proverb)