‘Time freedom’
Lent – Week 3 – Clock
Sometimes, however careful we are, our work and/or our daily life can feel like it is overwhelming us. When this happens, we feel a deep need for freedom, for liberation.
In the film ‘The Shawshank Redemption’, Andy Dufresne is wrongly imprisoned in the brutal Shawshank prison. He serves nearly 20 years before managing to escape. He does so by crawling along a tunnel gradually carved through his cell wall. The short section of the film leading up to him emerging into the outside world, and his first taste of freedom at the beginning of a new life is insightful, not just about Andy’s personal experience, but it can also speak to us about our own situations.
Copyright doesn’t allow us to reproduce the clip here. However, the 3minute 12second clip can be viewed by following this link.
Watch it and then reflect on what this might say about your life and work.
- Is it ever that dirty?
- Do you long for freedom?
- Do you find rest?
- How does this all connect to work-life balance and Sabbath rest?
NB: There is one ‘swear word’ in this clip.
Note also that if you have access to the actual film it is better to start a bit earlier than this clip (at 1:58:35) so that you see the moment when Andy’s empty cell is discovered. You should then watch until 2:03:39. (On some DVDs this is scene 11)