Author: Dane Marshall

March 6, 2015

Balance is the Key to Life

Jo, one of the small business owners we spoke with as part of the series of video interviews conducted for the Faith at Work course, said: "Balancing time is difficult, especially when you’re self-employed” From
March 5, 2015

Living in the present

We've just had a week looking at CHALLENGE. One of the greatest challenges, that was voiced loudly and often during almost all of the video interviews conducted for the Faith at Work course, was the challenge of how to use
March 4, 2015

‘Time Freedom’

Sometimes, however careful we are, our work and/or our daily life can feel like it is overwhelming us.  When this happens, we feel a deep need for freedom, for liberation. In the film ‘The Shawshank Redemption’, An
March 3, 2015

Coping with Challenge, with God alongside

One of the questions asked in this week's session has been about the challenges people are facing or have faced in their work. Here's what one person has written for us: Whilst praying about this reflection, I was reminde
March 2, 2015

Smooth roads never make good drivers….

When a famous politician died last year, those who commented on his life all seemed to agree that, although they didn’t always agree with what he was saying, they always knew that he was speaking out of his deeply held b
March 1, 2015

Don’t give up – some things are worth fighting for….

Many of our global challenges seem huge and insurmountable.  Whilst we may be committed to working towards justice and the promotion of ‘kingdom values’ in the world, there will be times when it seems like we’re get
February 28, 2015

Challenges stimulate Reaction and Action

Some challenges feel and are very personal and can, at first, disable us until we’ve had time to assimilate the information or new situation.  Diagnosis of life-changing illness, for instance, is a challenge that isn’
February 27, 2015

Your biggest challenge

This week's session begins with the question "What's the largest or most scary challenge you've ever faced?" Here's what someone said to us when asked this question: My scariest challenge of recent years was skiing for th
February 26, 2015

Just testing…

Life is full of challenges.  Sometimes we feel able to face these and can even enjoy doing so.  Other times we feel nervous or apprehensive. Sometimes we aren't sure whether it's right to face a certain challenge. Other
February 25, 2015

Believe in yourself

Whatever we’re called to, or asked to do, we may not always feel capable.  We may even feel totally out of our depth.  Yet, if God has called us, he will not forsake us.  God will equip us for what he calls us to do -