March 18, 2014
Author: Dane Marshall
March 17, 2014
Smooth roads never make good drivers
A politician died recently and those who commented on his life all seemed to agree that, although they didn’t always agree with what he was saying, they always knew that he was speaking out of his deeply held beliefs and
March 16, 2014
Don’t give up – some things are worth fighting for….
Many of our global challenges seem huge and insurmountable. Whilst we may be committed to working towards justice and the promotion of ‘kingdom values’ in the world, there will be times when it seems like we’re get
March 15, 2014
Challenges stimulate both reaction and action
Some challenges feel and are very personal and can, at first, disable us until we’ve had time to assimilate the information or new situation. Diagnosis of life-changing illness, for instance, is a challenge that isn’
March 14, 2014
Your biggest challenge?
This week's session begins with the question "What's the largest or most scary challenge you've ever faced?" Here's what someone said to us when asked this question: My scariest challenge of recent years was skiing for th
March 13, 2014
Just testing…
Life is full of challenges. Sometimes we feel able to face these and can even enjoy doing so. Other times we feel nervous or apprehensive. Sometimes we aren't sure whether it's right to face a certain challenge. Other
March 12, 2014
Believe in yourself
Whatever we’re called to, or asked to do, we may not always feel capable. We may even feel totally out of our depth. Yet, if God has called us, he will not forsake us. God will equip us for what he calls us to do -
March 11, 2014
Responding to the call
How do we respond when Jesus calls us? When we read the account of Jesus first calling some of the disciples in Matthew’s Gospel (4 v18-22), we’re reminded that the disciples left their nets at once and followed him.
March 10, 2014
All we like sheep?
It’s amazing just how a farmer or shepherd can walk into a field where there are no sheep in sight, and call for them and they respond by appearing from all four corners of the field. I can go into that same field, c
March 8, 2014