
March 28, 2014

What moral decisions do you face every day?

When filming the series of video interviews that we conducted for the Faith at Work course, we asked everyone what challenges they faced in their working or everyday lives. Some of their answers are in the video clips incl
March 27, 2014

The Four Tests of Moral Action

How do you make difficult decisions? Peter Chao suggests that when making difficult decisions, we should imagine how our decision would be received by four different people representing different sorts of interests in o
March 26, 2014

Decisions, decisions, choices, choices, …..

Week 4 of 'Faith At Work' is called “Moral Compass”, and seeks to explore how we can keep our integrity in our work, in our play, in our daily life in this modern and fast-changing world. But what is a ‘Moral Com
March 25, 2014

Time for God?

“There just never seems to be enough hours in the day to get everything done and you expect me to set some quiet time aside to spend with God in prayer.” So said a young mother at a church meeting, and immediately
March 24, 2014

Chronos v Kairos – doing the right thing right now?

When we talk about the ‘T-word’ (TIME) it’s not long before the S-word (STRESS) is mentioned too! Time, or the lack of it, seems for many to be a major source of stress. Andrea, one of the people we spoke with as
March 23, 2014

Being aware of who and where we are

There’s a lot of talk of mindfulness nowadays.  Some see it as the latest ‘new thing’, the latest way of dealing with stress.  Others, though, see it as a return to ancient practices of meditation, contemplation, a
March 22, 2014

Leisure or rest?

It's often thought that leisure and rest are the same, and so are equally the opposite of work - but are they? “It’s important to note the distinction between rest and leisure. Rest and Sabbath are not the same as lei
March 21, 2014

Balance is the key to life

Jo, one of the small business owners we spoke with as part of the series of video interviews conducted for the Faith at Work course, said: "Balancing time is difficult, especially when you’re self-employed” From
March 20, 2014

‘Time freedom’

Sometimes, however careful we are, our work and/or our daily life can feel like it is overwhelming us.  When this happens, we feel a deep need for freedom, for liberation. In the film ‘The Shawshank Redemption’, An
March 19, 2014

Living in the present

We've just had a week looking at CHALLENGE. One of the greatest challenges, that was voiced loudly and often during almost all of the video interviews conducted for the Faith at Work course, was the challenge of how to use