
April 17, 2014

Ordinary people called to be extra-ordinary

The disciples were an eclectic group of men, mostly ordinary working people; some, fishermen by trade. It was thought that Bartholomew was of noble birth, and Matthew a tax collector. Importantly, they were all different i
April 16, 2014

What if I don’t enjoy my work?

The Peter Principle is a management theory which suggests that organizations risk filling management roles with people who are incompetent if they promote those who are performing well at their current role, rather than th
April 15, 2014

Who am I connected with?

It’s showing my age a bit but I grew up when many folk songs and common sayings talked about ‘the family of man’. Ignoring the gender specificity for a moment, this phrase was about the human race, about us all being
April 14, 2014

Remaining connected with God

We who were born in country places, far from cities and shifting faces, we have a birthright no man can sell, and a secret joy no man can tell. For we are kindred to Lordly things, wild ducks flight and white owl’s wings
April 13, 2014

Ubuntu – I am because you are

The South African concept of Ubuntu is encapsulated in the proverb “I am because you are”. This is a commonly held concept in South Africa, and some other African nations, and so is espoused by many people. Archbish
April 12, 2014

Being the Church in the Workplace

The quotation below continues from yesterday’s reflection in that it focusses on the relationship between the church and the workplace. “The essence of the church is as a community of disciples both gathered and scatte
April 11, 2014

Is there a Church – Workplace disconnect?

In her essay “Why Work?”, Dorothy Sayers has some possibly harsh words to say about the relationship between the Church and the Workplace: “In nothing has the Church so lost her hold on reality as in her failure to u
April 10, 2014

From ‘me’ to ‘we’

Yesterday’s reflection highlighted the fact that all people have a role to play however large, small or apparently insignificant their work of life appears to be. I spend a fair amount of my time around factory producti
April 9, 2014

There are no passengers…

In the book 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell, there is the famous - or infamous - line: “all pigs are equal but some are more equal than others.” We are all interconnected in life but are we all truly equal? Yes! W
April 8, 2014

A person in need is a person indeed!

Recently, there was a newspaper report in our local newspapers asking that shoppers do not give money to beggars. People were urged to donate to the organisations set up to serve street homeless people in the county instea